Source code for torch_scope.sheet_writer

.. module:: sheet_writer
    :synopsis: sheet_writer
.. moduleauthor:: Liyuan Liu
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import os
import json

[docs]class sheet_writer(object): """ Spreadsheet writer. Parameters ---------- name : ``str``, required. Name for the spreadsheet. root_path: ``str``, required. The root path for the checkpoint files. folder_name : ``str``, required. Name for the folder (for the current experiments). credential_path: ``str``, optional, (default = PATH_TO_CRED). The path to the credential file. """ def __init__(self, name, root_path, folder_name, credential_path = None): self.config_file = os.path.join(root_path, 'sheet.config.json') if os.path.exists(self.config_file): with open(self.config_file, 'r') as fin: all_data = json.load(fin) self._name_dict = all_data['name_dict'] self._metric_dict = all_data['metric_dict'] if credential_path is None: self.credential_path = all_data['credential_path'] else: self.credential_path = credential_path if "worksheet_name" in all_data: loaded_root_path = all_data["worksheet_name"] else: loaded_root_path = None else: loaded_root_path = None self._name_dict = dict() self._metric_dict = dict() # assert (self.credential_path is not None) if credential_path is None: self.credential_path = '/shared/data/ll2/Torch-Scope/torch-scope-8acf12bee10f.json' else: self.credential_path = credential_path self._scope = ['', ''] self._credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(self.credential_path, self._scope) self._gc = gspread.authorize(self._credentials) self._sh = self.root_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(root_path)) if loaded_root_path is None: self._wks = self._sh.add_worksheet(title=self.root_path, rows="100", cols="26") else: self._wks = self._sh.worksheet(loaded_root_path) if self._wks is None: self._wks = self._sh.add_worksheet(title=self.root_path, rows="100", cols="26") else: self.root_path = loaded_root_path if folder_name not in self._name_dict: self._name_dict[folder_name] = len(self._name_dict) + 2 self.save_config() self.row_index = self._name_dict[folder_name] self._wks.update_cell(self.row_index, 1, folder_name)
[docs] def save_config(self): """ save the config file. """ with open(self.config_file, 'w') as fout: json.dump({'name_dict': self._name_dict, 'metric_dict': self._metric_dict, 'credential_path': self.credential_path, 'worksheet_name': self.root_path}, fout)
[docs] def add_description(self, description): """ Add descriptions for the current expriments to the spreadsheet. Parameters ---------- description: ``str``, required. Descriptions to be added. """ self.add_metric('descript', description)
[docs] def add_metric(self, metric_name, metric_value, login=False): """ Add metric value for the current expriments to the spreadsheet. Parameters ---------- metric_name: ``str``, required. Name of the metric. metric_value: required. Value of the metric. login: ``bool``, optional, (default = False). Whether to re-login. """ if login: self._gc.login() try: if metric_name not in self._metric_dict: metric_index = len(self._metric_dict) + 2 self._wks.update_cell(1, metric_index, metric_name) self._metric_dict[metric_name] = metric_index self.save_config() self._wks.update_cell(self.row_index, self._metric_dict[metric_name], metric_value) except Exception as ins: if not login: self.add_metric(metric_name, metric_value, login=True) else: return '\n'.join([str(type(ins)), str(ins.args), str(ins)]) return None